11:00 - 13:00: Session W1 - Seismic Hazard & Ground Motion I BACK

5th Generation Seismic Hazard Model for North-Western Canada
Trevor I Allen, John Adams, Garry Rogers, Stephen Halchuk
Site-Specific Seismic Hazard Analysis for Liquefied Natural Gas Facility - a Case Study in Western Canada
Evan Hsiao, Feng Li, Alan Hull
Assessment of Ground Motion Models for use in South-Western British Columbia
Camille Brillon, Trevor I Allen
Crossing the Border Again: Assessing the Differences Between Canada's 2015 and the United States' 2014 Seismic Hazard Maps
Stephen Halchuk, John Adams, Mark Petersen, Garry Rogers, Trevor Allen
Canadian Strong Motion Monitoring and Recent Datasets from Natural Resources Canada
John F Cassidy, John Adams, Garry C Rogers, Stephen Halchuk
A Consistent Cross-Border Seismic Hazard Methodology for Loss Estimation and Risk Management along the Border Regions of Canada and the U.S.
Paul C Thenhaus, Kenneth W Campbell, Nitin Gupta