From the Editor’s Desk

by Tuna Onur.

The new national Earthquake Early Warning system in Canada became operational in BC in May and will be operational in Ontario and Québec later this year. You can read more about this exciting development in our feature article.

The CAEES earthquake reconnaissance team has released its report on the February 2023 earthquakes in Turkey. It is now posted on the CAEES website.

The CAEES Distinguished Webinar Series continue to cover important topics in earthquake engineering and seismology. The latest in the series was in June by Dr. Perry Adebar titled “Seismic Design of HighRise Concrete Buildings in Canada: A State-of-the-Art Review”. You can find links to the webinars you missed on the CAEES website’s “Members” section.

Finally, the upcoming changes to the National Building Code (NBC) of Canada are out for public review. See the News section for more.

Our Newsletter is a great way to share short articles, news or other items related to earthquake engineering with your colleagues. We also welcome your feedback. Please send your thoughts to

Download Newsletter – July 2024


A message from the CAEES President, Sharlie Huffman

2021 continued to challenge us with the need for virtual events as well as provide increased member benefits such as our Education Committee’s move to webinars. They have provided 8 excellent webinars as part of the CAEE Distinguished Webinar Series in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology attracting hundreds of registrants for each. The webinars are archived in the Members-only section where members are encouraged to access them at their convenience.

Our Newsletter continues as a staple of our member services. We always still need contributors, so please consider submitting articles of general interest or specific to one of our regular columns, questions or comments.

The 2020 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering was postponed to 2021 and then had to be held virtual for those outside of Japan. The Archive of ”CSI/IAEE Masters Series” from the conference is on the public webpages.

Our next CAEE conference 13CCEE will be held in Vancouver in 2023 and will be a joint conference with the Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering (PCEE), so it is definitely a conference you will not want to miss. So start thinking now about it and consider what presentations you will be submitting. So far we are still expecting we can all attend in person by then.

While expectations of the initiation of annual fees for CAEE membership have circulated the last couple of years, that time has now arrived. Effective 2023 January 1, membership fees will be implemented. At that time, our webinars will also garner a fee for non-members of $20 each. Webinars to be delivered during the rest of 2022 will remain free for all participants. Webinars will also continue to be free for members and will continue to be accessible after their presentation in the Members-only section of the website. Full details will be posted on the CAEE website. Read More